Storytime Friday, Dog Days next week

John Motley

Labor Day has passed and activities are gearing up after the “lazy days of summer.”

The first Preschool Storytime of fall was Friday, Sept. 9.  Miss Rhonda pointed out all the fun that takes place at the library.

Then at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14, Dog Days at the Library will continue. This program is for kindergarten through fifth grade students, or is it for the dogs?

Who knows! Everyone has fun! Come read to these easy-going and lovable dogs.

Our volunteer profile this week is about a 17-year-old young man, John Motley.

This Canton High School junior said he was looking to volunteer to pass the time, but also wanted to find a way to improve our society. When he found out the Van Zandt County Library was looking for volunteers, he stepped up.

He began volunteering in August and has worked two days a week, totaling four hours a week.

As a volunteer, he sorts books and shelves them. Also he helps individuals who need assistance.

He said he has found it interesting to see how many people come into the library to look for books. The constant reorganization and the walking this requires is not his favorite part of the job, he said, yet it's still fun, none-the-less.

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