This week in Canton history

By Sibyl Creasey
Van Zandt County Genealogical Society — Courthouse Annex


P.O. Box 1388, Canton, Texas 75103 • 903-567-5012 -

CANTON HERALD, July 7, 1949:

The Colfax Cub Scouts ended their year’s work with a pack meeting at Myrtle Springs Park. Mrs. Thurman Hendley and Mrs. J.D. Henderson were elected as new den mothers, while Mrs. Avis Hardegree and Mrs. Effie Cone were the old den mothers.

LaRue Dove has accepted a position in the office of the county agent. Miss Dove assumed duties there Monday of last week. She is the daughter of Karl Dove. Miss Jean Foster, former employee, resigned to assume duties in Foster's Clover Farm Store.

R.T. Mayo of Van has been awarded a $500 Humble Oil Company Field Geology scholarship for the summer of 1949 at the University of Texas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Mayo of Van and is a member of Sigma Gamma Epsilon honorary geology fraternity.

W.E. West, local attorney, will be installed as president of the Canton Lions Club Friday night, July 8, at 8 o'clock. Other officers to be installed are Gaston Coleman, first vice president; Paul H. Stanford, second vice president; G.W. Slaughter, third vice president; A.O. Loughmiller, secretary-treasurer; L.F. Sanders, Lion Tamer and Jack Sides, Tail Twister. Members of the board of directors are Ben Cox, out-going president; Carl Skidmore, G.W. Tull, Foye Riley and Irby Mills.

Miss Julia Frances Loughmiller became the bride of Samuel Eugene Bering Jr., Saturday morning at St. Anne's Catholic Church in Houston. Mrs. Bering is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Loughmiller of Canton and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Bering of Houston. The bride and bridegroom will make their home in Houston.

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