This week in Canton history...

Canton Herald, Nov. 3, 1949

Jamie Loughmiller, freshman queen, was crowned Monday night, Oct. 31, as football queen of Canton High School.  The freshman class collected $155.90 to win over the seniors who collected $152.08, the juniors were next with $108.11 and the sophomores collected $43.30. 

The class representatives and escorts were Wanda Chaney and Wendell Wisdom; seniors Sally Dawson and Bob Skidmore; juniors, Marie Heidle and Kearby Joe Fugate; sophomores,  Bette Skidmore and Eugene Blackwell; freshmen, the queen was escorted by co-captains Jimmy Tunnell and Dan Hilliard.  Jimmy Tunnell presented the queen with a football and Dan Hilliard crowned her.  Jerry Bledsoe sang “I dream of Jeannie (Jamie) With the Light Brown Hair.”

Mr. and Mrs. Hulbert W. Parker celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Oct. 23 with a family reunion at their home in Ben Wheeler.

Mrs. Cora Parker is the daughter of the late Aaron B. Martin of Van Zandt County while Mr. Parker is the son of the late Acey Parker of Henderson County.  Mr. and Mrs. Parker were married in Van Zandt County in 1899 by the late Rev. Pulley.  Mr. Parker is 70 years old in July and Mrs. Parker observed her 65th birthday in August.

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