Butch Adkison Toy Run set for Dec. 12

The 12th annual Butch Adkison Memorial Toy Run for Van Zandt County, sponsored by Bikers for Christ Tawakoni Chapter, will take place Dec. 12.

Registration will be at 10:30 a.m. at Charlie’s Place, 335 Wingo Way (FM 2965), Wills Point. 

Kickstands are to be up at noon. This is a 40 mile ride ending at the food court at Old Mill Marketplace, 542 Hwy. 64 in Canton, organizers said.

Fee for the toy run is $10. A new, unwrapped toy can be substituted for the fee.

There will be door prizes, free food and “Elvis” (Terry Edwards) will be there. 

The public is invited to attend.  All proceeds benefit Charitable Children’s Organizations and Military families in Van Zandt County. 

Look for donation boxes at local businesses, grocery stores and restaurants throughout the county.

For more information, contact Bo Adkison at 903-829-2147, Norman Decker at 214-924-2413 or Ricky Netherland at 903-312-5756.

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