Celebrate Christmas at VZC Library
Volunteers are a mainstay of non-profit services. At 10 a.m. Dec. 14, The Friends of the Van Zandt County Library will recognize the invaluable people who assist the staff in their duties. Brunch will be served, and accolades will be plentiful. Those who have helped in the past are urged to attend and share experiences.
The December schedule at the library is available at the checkout desk or on Facebook.
Inside and outside the library is looking a lot like Christmas. On the cart as you enter there is a selection of stories with a Christmas theme. In the 200-300 section of nonfiction, Franklin Graham, Max Lucado and others explore the history and meaning of Christmas.
Please respond to the Christmas fundraiser to provide books for the children’s section of the library. Anyone who is interested in this annual drive is invited to participate.
Confession of an old columnist … “I relied on memory, and didn’t check the facts.”
The LightCrust Doughboys slogan was wrong in last week’s paper. They opened their program with “The LightCrust Doughboys from BURRUS Mills.” If you caught the error, send an e-mail to friendsvzcolibrary@gmail.com.