Pct. 1 commissioner files for re-election

Brandon Brown
Incumbent Pct. 1 Commissioner Brandon Brown has filed for re-election.
A lifelong resident of Van Zandt County, Brown said he is proud to live here and he is happy he is able “to give back to my county some of what has been given to me over the years.”
Brown said his past business experience helped him set priorities and he hopes to further accomplish those goals.
During his first campaign, he said his priorities were keeping taxes low and growing economic development; maintaining and refurbishing roads and bridges; supporting law enforcement; reducing the county debt; and being a full time commissioner.
“Property taxes have remained at our current rate for the tax years 2014, 2015 and 2016,” Brown said. “During my last three years, we have established an economic development board and have funded it with $114,000 to be used to bring new business into our county. This helps take the tax burden off of the homeowner.”
Maintaining the county’s road is a challenge, Brown admits. “When I took office in 2013 our Road and Bridge Material Budget was $69,500,” he said. “This was the amount I was given to maintain over 270 miles of roads. The roads have been maintained to the best of my ability given the available resources. As of today, our reserve account has approximately $474,000.”
During the past three years, Brown said commissioners have “been able to give the sheriff’s department four additional deputies and one new jailor. The department has also received $250,000 for vehicles.”
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