Veterans groups to lay wreaths at VZC memorial

May 21 and 22 two veterans groups will be visiting the Van Zandt County Veterans Memorial to acknowledge their fallen comrades.

About 9:30 a.m. May 21, a group from Whiskers for Wounded Warriors will be at the memorial to pay their respects.

Whiskers for Wounded Warriors was started by Garland resident Mike Wilburn in 2011. Wilburn gathered pledges in exchange for not cutting his beard for one year.

The organization now works to raise funds “to raise awareness for our wounded military men and women and to help all veterans. We know freedom is a right given to us, but not without the sacrifice of others. “

About 9:30 a.m. May 22, some of the motorcycle riders involved in the Run for the Wall will be breaking off from the main platoon and stopping by the memorial to lay a wreath.

“The Run for the Wall riders made a stop last year and this year, they will once again be making Canton a stop,” said Diane Farmer, public relations spokesperson for the vet’s memorial.

About 30 motorcycle riders, 20 trikes and a trailer will be making this stop at the Veterans Memorial. “This makes two platoons this year,” Farmer said. “It is a great honor for them to stop here in Canton.”

The Run for the Wall riders will travel down Interstate 20, break off at Hwy. 64 to refuel at Brookshire's and then head to the Memorial.

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