Breathe deeply and shop local
As I sit staring at my computer screen this morning, my mind is racing and I am struggling to stay focused. I am distracted and it has nothing to do with deadlines or the fact that I have exceeded my daily quota of caffeine. The source of my agitation is self-induced and has everything to do with the fact that I haven’t purchased a single Christmas gift. The clock is ticking.
Of course, this is no surprise to my wife even though I appear calm and tell her every year “I have it all under control.” And the words “I told you so” will never be heard in my home. Why? Because somehow, I always manage to pull it off. And this year will be no different. Shopping just isn’t my thing and I avoid traffic, crowds and wandering aimlessly up and down isles in big box stores like the plague.
After all, there is no law that says a man can’t buy all of his Christmas gifts the day before Christmas. Wives around the world may frown on this strategy, but many of us last minute shoppers find it to be challenging and rewarding once it is over.
A good last minute shopper needs a plan, and my plan is to stick close to home and shop locally. I do this for most every shopping occasion and it keeps me away from high traffic areas and crowds which cause me more stress than waiting until the last minute. Shopping locally for Christmas also helps put money back into our local economy and it supports the businesses who support me and my family all year long.
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