This Week in Canton History
Jan. 5, 1961
Eagle Attacks Tyler Man near Kickapoo in Van Zandt County- A Tyler hunter blew his animal caller in Van Zandt County Monday and was attacked by a squalling Eagle. Arthur Williams, a Tyler Negro minister was hunting rabbits on Kickapoo Creek when the 25 pound Eagle answered his call. The preacher said the Eagle was on his back before he knew what had happened. He fought the big fowl and fired a shot to scare it away. The Eagle attacked again and the minister hit him with the second shot. The Eagle refused to give up and was killed by the third shot. The Eagles wings spread was over 7 feet.
Cradle Roll – Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McPhall of Dallas announce the arrival of their 8 lbs. 8 oz. son Kenneth Gregson in a Dallas hospital Dec. 21. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphrey Jr. of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McPhall of Colfax.
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