CEDC talks growth, expansion

The Canton Economic Development Corporation met Feb. 28 and heard from Executive Director Julie Seymore who provided several updates and reports to the board. Seymore kicked off the meeting by announcing that a part-time job position was budgeted for and would be available with CEDC approval.  

Seymore said the position had been budgeted by the CEDC for $14,000 but the actual cost if limited to 1,000 hours maximum would be $11,000.

“The need is still there and can afford it and the extra person is needed to reduce the workload of Austin Melton, who runs the Canton Visitors Bureau,” said Seymore.

Seymore stated that the part-time help would be used for city and First Monday marketing (with a focus on social media,) operating a welcome desk at the Visitor’s Center and assist with business development and recruitment efforts.

The CEDC approved the part-time position unanimously.