Workforce Training deemed successful

Congratulations to the first graduating class of the Canton Customer Service Certification Program hosted by the Canton EDC as part of its workforce training program.

To say that our first Customer Service Certification program was a success would be an understatement. Starting this past January, we had a great group of 12 applicants join and participate in our three week long pilot program. For two nights each week, the participants learned a variety of skills related to customer service including best practices of customer service, work ethic, business etiquette, communication, conflict resolution, interviewing, and resume writing skills. These topics were all taught by leading professionals in the Canton community including Johnny Blevins, from Splash Kingdom Waterpark, Steve Dye, of Mill Creek Ranch Resort and Justin Beckham of Wynne & Wynne as well as other prominent professionals.

We would like to thank the businesses that jumped aboard for the pilot program, City of Canton, Mr. D’s, East Texas Title Company, Higginbotham Ace Hardware, Mill Creek Ranch Resort and Van Zandt Abstract & Title Services,  your dedication to this community has not gone unrecognized, and we are truly grateful to you.

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