Get into the library habit

School has started, and that makes most of us look at our calendars.

sure to put 10:30 a.m., Monday, Sept. 11, as your morning to attend the first 2017-‘18 meeting of Friends of the Library. Plans and suggestions for the year will be part of the agenda, and the officers need the input of the members, old and new. While filling in your calendar, add the Book Fair dates, Oct. 6 and 7.

The shelving provided by the Tocker Grant and Friends of the Library is complete. Perhaps this year, another grant can be obtained to provide an upgrade of the young adult-children’s sections.

New volunteers have signed in to help the staff at the library. They may preside at the desk, shelve books (they don’t jump back into place when they are checked in), assist people in computer use or occasionally empty the trash. There is always a job to do. Ask at the desk how you can sign up.

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