Council talks alcohol on First Monday grounds
Debate and discussion drifted through Canton City Hall Jan. 22, during a three-hour meeting centering around whether to allow the sale of alcohol (wine and beer) on First Monday Trade Days grounds.
Regan Sumner opened up the floor by asking council members to take into consideration the businesses around First Monday grounds and how a zoning change would affect businesses. Sumner also stated he was “not for or against” adding alcohol sales at First Monday.
Councilwoman Connie Odic presented her reasons for presenting the topic for consideration of the council.
“Adding beer and wine sales to First Monday is one of the many decisions that we need to make for our town. This is a business decision, this is not personal and not emotional. I am passionate about keeping and generating business opportunities and the revenue that Canton needs to thrive. First Monday is a huge part of that. Our threat is not alcohol being served on FM grounds. Our biggest threat is Etsy, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and Amazon. Internet accessibility is so new to our generation, we do not know how severe the impact to our flea market business will be. Once vendors start capitalizing more on internet sales rather than First Monday, they may not see the benefit of booking a booth at First Monday. Our job is not to wait until we are in dire straits … our job is to explore all marketplace options. Alcohol sales is only one of the many options we need to consider.”
There were others at the meeting that were already against adding alcohol sales at First Monday, such as Mark Moore who represented the Concerned Citizens of VZC. Moore stated that “campaign promises from other groups who advocated for the passage of the alcohol sales in the city of Canton were not being upheld,” regarding adding beer and wine sales on First Monday grounds.
Tana Travis from Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission was present during the meeting to answer questions from the council. Travis explained the different types of permits that would be needed at First Monday to include the sale of beer and wine.
Councilmember Shawn Stewart stated that “this is not the end of discussion.”
“This is not the end of the road. There will be plenty of opportunities for citizens to be involved in all aspects of this decision. This starts at the zoning level with public hearings and mailers being sent out.”
Councilwoman Odic made a motion to vote to send the item to Planning and Zoning board, with a recommendation to approve. However, Councilwoman Malouf superseded Odic’s motion, asking to postpone the vote until more “specific information” could be presented to the council.
A questionnaire is available on the Facebook page, First Monday Trade Days. The purpose of the questionnaire, according to the site, is to “gain a better understanding on the general opinion of adding alcohol and live entertainment on First Monday grounds during First Monday Trade Days.”
The questionnaire asks questions such as “If served, how will (alcohol) affect your attendance. The questionnaire is anonymous and can be found at,
City council seats open
Filing is still open for seats on the Canton city council. Candidate packets can be picked up at Canton City Hall until Feb. 16. Canton City Hall is located at 201 N. Buffalo St. Early voting will also be held at Canton City Hall if Canton ISD cancels their election. If the district does not, Election Day voting will be held at Canton Junior High. Terms for councilmembers Cindy Malouf, Shawn Stewart and Scott Perkins are expiring. As of Jan. 30, Malouf has filed for re-election. Filing to be on the ballot began Jan. 17 and will end Feb. 16. The council approved an ordinance Jan. 22 to authorize a general municipal election for May 5.
The council:
—Approved the meeting minutes of Dec. 19, 2017;
—Approved an issuance of letter requesting a stop sign on Hwy. 243 by Walmart;
—Approved an ordinance for a voluntary annexation of 23.98 acres. The council explained that it is the owner’s responsibility to extend lines where needed at the owner’s expense.
—Considered an appointment committee to recommend selection of a Citizen of the Year Award. Deadline for applications for Citizen of the Year is March 12, and the council will vote during the March meeting. Past winners include Donn Rakestraw, Ben Shirey, Jim Fuller, Ann Moore and Teri Pruitt;
—Tabled an ordinance adoption that would amend the planned development for Mill Creek RV Park and Cottage Resort;
—City Manager Lonny Cluck stated there was “no updates,” concerning the Saline Creek Project;
—Discussed in length traffic control issues at First Monday. Assistant City Manager Andy Wolfe said that there was “congestion occurring at the Main Gate during the busier months.” The congestion was attributed to city and arbor vendors and shoppers entering and exiting at the Main Gate. Discussion centered around “vendors not parking where they were supposed to.” Wolfe presented a proposal to turn Row 1 into an entrance row and Row 3 into an exit row. The council also discussed issuing a letter to those who also own property at First Monday.