Wednesday Study Club meets at Yama Yoga

After the Christmas rush and the frozen and cold early January weather, members of the Wednesday Study Club de-stressed at Yama Yoga for their regular meeting on Jan. 24.
President Lisa Goode thanked the hostesses, Peggy Walden, Sandra Giles, and Jean Drake for the lovely refreshments.
She then introduced Summer Smith, who gave a most interesting talk on the different types of yoga.
“I never knew there were so many variations,” said club member Kathryn Strickland.
Ms. Smith then led the members through a sample of Chair Yoga, in which they stretched and breathed accordingly.
“And I thought I knew how to breathe,” exclaimed club member Peggy Walden. The members agreed that it was most enjoyable as well as enlightening.
When the yoga demonstration concluded, the regular business meeting was held. Afterwards, the members enjoyed refreshments and visiting.
The next meeting will be at 2 p.m on Feb. 28, 2018 with a program by Suzanna Dickerson on “Texas Living History.”