Filings for grant applications authorized
A resolution authorizing the filing of a grant application with the Texas Historic Courthouse Preservation Program was approved Jan. 29 during a special meeting of the Van Zandt County Commissioners Court.
If the grant application is approved, the grant money would be used to renovate and preserve the VZC Courthouse, according to VZC Pct. 4 Commissioner Tim West.
“The state has appropriated around $20 million for the grant program this year which will give $5-$6 million to various courthouses,” said West. “This is the third time that we have applied for the grant. I don’t know if we will get it or not but I feel good about our chances. We have to have this resolution passed before the Feb. 5 application deadline. I will take our application to Austin myself. The county would be responsible for 15 percent of the grant. This grant is a two-year program. Our courthouse is in bad shape. There is also work that needs to be done at the jail.”
West also mentioned another option for a possible grant to the commissioners’ court. “The state has another grant program that deals with endangered areas like drainage problems, windows, roof, etc.,” said West. “We can turn those items in under emergency items. That grant would be a 50/50 grant. We can apply for both grants. It may not sound great but that would be better than us spending 100 percent. We are going to have to spend the money at some point.”
Following West’s recommendation, the commissioners court voted to apply for both state grants.
An application for a grant from VZC Librarian Susie Pulley to apply for the Family Place Library grant of $6,000 was approved by the commissioners’ court.
Before discussing the Family Place Library Grant, Pulley introduced Kelley Hopkins as the new VZC Youth Services Librarian.
“Kelley is doing a really good job with our youth,” pointed out Pulley. “The youth has been one of our areas that we have lacked in. We have volunteer involvement this year. B. J. Cole is our new volunteer coordinator. We actually have a volunteer staff person for all hours that our library is open. Kelley’s desk is out in front in the library.”
In discussing the Family Place Library Grant application, Pulley said, “We wanted to get more involvement with our parents. One of the programs that the Texas State Library and Archives Commission has been pushing is the Family Place Library. This is a five-week program where we are actually teaching some parenting skills. This grant would give us $6,000 for this program. The parents put up their cell phones and get on the floor and work with their child. They put their child in their lap when they are reading a book to them. It helps parents to know that they also need to be doing this at home as well. It makes a big difference. A professional would be on hand at the library to answer any questions during the program. There would be toys there for children to play with while Mom is using the computer in the library or checking out a book.”
The Family Place Library program began in New York in the 1970’s and is currently operating in nine states including Texas, according to Pulley.
“The program in Texas began three years ago,” said Pulley. “We did not have the staff to do it here before but we have the staff to do it now. We just need to apply for this grant. It does not cost the county any money to apply.”
A check in the amount of $750 from Aerobic Septic Inspection for continuing education for VZC Fire Marshal James Lehman and Danny Wilson with the Texas On-Site Water Association (TOWA) was approved by the commissioners’ court.
Commissioners tabled a motion to advertise for bids on the air conditioner/heating contract for VZC buildings.
“We need the specs so that all of the companies are bidding on the same thing,” pointed out VZC Judge Don Kirkpatrick.
January 24 Commissioners Court meeting
Following approval of the county bills for payment, the commissioners court agreed to authorize the sale of fireworks to the public by retail fireworks permit holders during the Texas Independence Day period from Feb. 25 through March 2 following a recommendation by Lehman.
A bid for asphaltic concrete patching material, grade four, for road and bridge use through Apr. 30, 2018 was approved by the commissioners at a cost of $97 per ton for all four precincts following a presentation by VZC Pct. 3 Commissioner Keith Pearson.
The payment distribution to the VZC Child Advocacy Center and cities for child safety license fees collected by the VZC Tax Assessor Collector for the first quarter of 2018 was approved by the commissioners’ court.
Kirkpatrick announced that the total payment distribution was $15,304.57 including $1,025.43 for the City of Wills Point, $419,36 for the City of Edgewood and $110.28 for the City of Fruitvale.
Monthly reports submitted by various offices and departments of VZC government were approved and entered into the commissioners’ court minutes as a matter of record.
The December 2017 financial and investment report of the county treasurer’s office was approved and entered into the court’s minutes.
The next regular meeting of the VZC Commissioners Court is set for 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 7 in the VZC Courthouse.