City clean up set for April 16
The City of Canton annual spring clean-up is set for April 16-17. Canton citizens may place large personal items on the curb for pick up at no additional charge. Be sure to place the items curbside by 8 a.m., Monday, April 16.
Items may include:
-Old furniture, domestic appliances, water heaters, swing sets, bicycles (without tires,) bagged leaves, bundled limbs under 50 pounds, or any household items. Refrigerators, freezers and air-conditioning units must have CFC’s (Freon) removed by a certified technician.
Due the environmental regulations, the city cannot pickup tires, flat-screen TVs, batteries, chemicals, paints, construction trash, commercial garbage, or items with Freon that have not been properly serviced and tagged.
No liquids will be taken.
Free disposal of household items will also be accepted from April 16-21 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday at the City Transfer Station upon presentation of a current city water bill and proof of ID Location: 1810 VZCR 3120, Canton.
Weekly garbage service includes pick up of as many as 10 items (bags of household garbage or leaves) limbs that are tied in bundles less than 50 pounds and under four feet in length. Also, one large item may be picked up by separate truck each week.
The clean-up is a coordinated effort between the City of Canton, volunteers, Keep Canton Beautiful, and an initiative of the Canton Main Street Program.