“Forever 4-H Friend Award” presented to Chicken Express
Tommy Phillips, Ag Agent and Melisa Rhodes, FCH Agent, presented this year’s “Forever 4-H Friend Award” to a local business that has continually supported 4-H youth ever since their doors opened for business.
“The 4-H Forever Friend Award honors Chicken Express of Canton and Manager Fred Aldrige for their continued support of the Van Zandt County 4-H program,” said the agents.
“Chicken Express has been a great friend to 4-H providing their famous sweet tea for 4-H and Extension programs.
“Last year, Van Zandt County 4-H honored Chicken Express and their manager, Fred Aldridge, with the prestigious “Friend of 4-H Award” which is the Norman Rockwell painting print of the one titled “County Extension Agent” which is the highest award possible for an adult or business to earn.
“After careful consideration, the decision was made to continue expressing the gratitude of 4-H and Extension to this business as they honored them with the new award “Forever 4-H Friend” award to continue recognizing their commitment to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and Van Zandt County 4-H.
“Thanks to the commitment of numerous businesses across Van Zandt County like Chicken Express, our local 4-H program has been able to continue recognizing outstanding youth members with an amazing awards packet each year.”