This week in Canton history...

CANTON HERALD,   May 26, 1949: A representative of the Mid-Western Area of the National Red Cross met recently with a small group in the assembly room of the courthouse at which time new officers for the county chapter were elected as follows: Mrs. Thomas Todd, Canton, chairman; Mrs. Ellis Campbell, Wills Point, vice chairman; Miss Rena Hood, Canton, home service chairman; Mrs. James Stanley, Jr., Ben Wheeler, disaster chairman; and Miss Jean Foster, Canton, secretary and treasurer.

Glenn Foster's Clover Farm Store will be open for business at its new location today (Thursday). The store is located in the former Moore Grocery building. Mr. Foster will handle Clover Farm products in addition to his regular line of merchandise. The entire building has been remodeled with glass front and new paint job.

White Reese, former staff member of the Canton Herald, and his son, Ernest Graver, were visitors in Canton last week-end. Mr. Reese worked on the Canton Herald in 1910 when the publication was owned and published by Alf Foster. Mr. Reese is now residing in South Texas where he operates a tourist motel business.

Fonzo Horton of Wills Point and Claude Edwards of Ben Wheeler have accepted positions in the tax assessor-collectors office. They are filling the vacancies left by Douglas Wood and Mrs. John Coleman.


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