Have fun with the library
The Van Zandt County Library will be represented at the third annual Health and Safety Expo/Back to School Bash from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 19, at Canton First United Methodist Church.
The event is free, and includes bounce house, games, and information about services and programs offered within the community.
Help the library and maybe help your Christmas list. An American Girl Doll and an Acer Chrome book are the raffle items offered by the Friends of the Library this fall. Tickets are available at the library. Only 152 tickets are available for each item.
“Poorer Richard’s Almanac,” written by the late Benjamin Franklin-also known as Tom Blair—is a commentary on contemporary America. It is written in Franklin’s style, and is sprinkled with quotes from the original “Poor Richard’s Almanac.” It’s a good read, check it out.
Facebook and the library website are good sources of information about programs that are on the agenda for the future. Also, flyers are in the library.
The Edgewood Historical Society honored the late Danny Gilliam with a memorial. Envelopes are in the library, or may be mailed to Friends of the Library, P.O. Box 1072, Canton, 75103.
Many audio books—discs that will play in your late model car or on your home player—are available. Progress has done away with cassette tapes in the library.
Trivia question: When did the Salt Mine in Grand Saline become a business?