Past, present collide in pictures Court judges unveiled in paintings

Photo by Britne Hammons
VZC Historical Commission Chairman Elvis Allen, left, presents Judge Don Kirkpatrick with a plaque representing and honoring the past county judges.
The commissioners court meeting Nov. 24 was short and ended on a sweet note during a presentation and dedication of an oil painting of every past and present county judge.
County officials and past county judges gathered together for the presentation of the project while also partaking in refreshments and cookies provided by the historical commission.
VZC Historical Commission Chairman Elvis Allen made a presentation of the portraits in the hallways of the courthouse while also unveiling County Judge Don Kirkpatrick’s painted portrait.
State Rep. Dan Flynn also made an appearance remarking on the “fantastic job” of the county historical commission.
Allen explained that the judge portrait project “took a number of years,” and without the “dedicated work of the VZC Historical Commission, the project would not be possible.”
“We want to honor the service of these dedicated people who led our county throughout the years. They sacrificed their time for the benefit of our county and now we pay homage to them through these portraits,” he said.
Allen briefly touched on some notable judges like John S. Spinks, who according to Allen was “a cherished judge who served from 1882-1892.” Allen also said that a commissioners court meeting was stopped when a raucous from the streets was heard because the World War I had ended.
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