Genealogical Society installs new members

Courtesy photo
Left to right - Carrie Woolverton, Mayor Lou Ann Everett, Scott Fitzgerald, Sandra Jones, Beth Gordon, Sylvia Barbee, Ellen Wheeler, Tom Tyler, Shirley Fuller, Jan Crow.
The Van Zandt County Genealogical Society met Jan. 28, at the Van Zandt County Library for their monthly meeting. After the pledge to the American flag, Martha’s Moment by Martha Heard was given. Mrs. Heard related interesting facts about previous presidential elections. She also spoke about the whooping cranes that winter in Texas, and a festival which is held in Aransas Pass at the end of February that celebrates these endangered birds.
Jan Crow, outgoing president, presented certificates of recognition of service to the board officers who served under her.
The new officers of the society were then installed by Canton Mayor Lou Ann Everett. She spoke of the duties of each officer while giving each incoming officer a puzzle piece. When the presentation of new officers and their installation was complete, the puzzle evolved into an old Saturday Evening Post cover of a family tree. Mayor Everett led a very appropriate installation and we are thankful for her contribution to this event. The new officers are Carrie Woolverton, President; Sandra Jones, First Vice President; Beth Gordon, Second Vice President; Sylvia Barbee, Recording Secretary; Ellen Wheeler, Corresponding Secretary; Scott Fitzgerald, Treasurer; Tom Tyler and Shirley Fuller, Directos at Large; Jan Crow, Webmaster; Laurie McDonald, Quarterly Editor, Sherrie Archer, Publicity, Donna Carter, Parliamentarian.
After the installation, the incoming President, Carrie Woolverton, presided over the meeting and presented outgoing President, Jan Crow with a certificate and plaque of appreciation from the society. The meeting was adjourned and the group enjoyed refreshments provided by hostess Mickie Greer and Margaret Hoot.
The Genealogical Society meetings are held the fourth Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. at the Van Zandt County Library. The meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. For more information about the society, contact the Library of Genealogy and Local History at 903-567-5012.
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