CIS announces student registration schedule

All incoming third grade students that are currently enrolled at Canton Elementary or incoming fourth and fifth grade students that are currently enrolled at Canton Intermediate School will automatically roll over and be added to a class list for the 2018-‘19 school year.

Canton Intermediate School students will be given a registration packet during Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, Aug. 16 (time TBD) or on the first day of school scheduled for Monday, August 20.

All students must return a completed registration packet, along with the required registration documents, by the end of the first week of school.

Registration for new students at Canton Intermediate School will begin on Wednesday, Aug. 1. Required documents for registration include parent/guardian driver’s license, student’s birth certificate, and student’s social security card, student’s immunization record that is current and proof of residency (electric/water bill or lease agreement related to the address).