Judge Plaster releases JP Pct. 2 court stats



Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Judge Sandra Plaster released stats for the court from Aug. 1-31, 2018.

Actions by Judge Plaster in the JP Pct. 2 Court:

Magistrated 29 cases; conducted one inquest; issued 12 felony warrants; seven AB warrants; heard five administration hearings; heard two appeals; held 19 pre-trials; three evictions; 20 debt claims; two small claims and two show cause hearings.

Judge Plaster represented the court by attending several events throughout the county including

First Responders Meetings, Canton Chamber Meeting at Buttermilks, TAC Workshop, Back to School Bash at the Canton Civic Center, Visions, Republican meeting, Canton Chamber of Commerce meeting and PM meeting at Flowers Etc. Judge Plaster has also attended several ribbon cuttings for new business in our area, a PWP meeting at Whitton, and meetings of the Canton Rotary Club, Canton Lions Club, Elm Grove Crime Watch, Old Bethel Crime Watch, Van Zandt County Commissioners Court.

Judge Plaster also released a statement regarding the VZC Commissioners Court denying help for the JP Pct. 2 court.

“Just want to share with the Citizens of Van Zandt County, the Commissioners Court denied me on help for my Court. Therefore, there will be times that the office will be closed. So sorry for this inconvenience but I have statue and rules as a judge that I have to follow. Next year, the court will be facing the

possibility of the legislature rising the limits for the court on small claims and debt claims. This will put a much bigger load on the court.  I ask that if you have any questions concerning this, you are more than welcome to stop by for a visit, or call me. I will be glad to visit you about this. When I was running for this position, I knew that the court needed more help, and I stress that all I could. I am looking forward to servicing the citizens of Van Zandt County. My phone number is 903-567-6569, I welcome any calls or visits,” said Judge Plaster.