Justice of the Peace Pct. 2 Judge Sandra Plaster released stats for the court from Aug. 1-31, 2018.
Actions by Judge Plaster in the JP Pct. 2 Court:
Magistrated 29 cases; conducted one inquest; issued 12 felony warrants; seven AB warrants; heard five administration hearings; heard two appeals; held 19 pre-trials; three evictions; 20 debt claims; two small claims and two show cause hearings.
The city is always trying to hold down expenses and you can really help out your city sewer/waste water budget. Here’s a quick list of things you should toss in the trash—not flush Warning! This “ do not flush,“ list is a bit gross but important.
I had to have my driver's license renewed a few months ago. It was an awful experience. Not only did I have to have my photo taken again, which is always problematic, but the line was out the door, literally. Seems there were some driving tests being conducted and one of the employees had called in sick or something, so there were probably 30 of us waiting. It took nearly all day. Tempers were frayed and some verbal abuse took place. All in all, not the best day for any of us.
CANTON HERALD: May 24, 1962-several cases were disposed of last Thursday in District Judge Thomas Crofts court and 20 cases are set for trial for July 9, according to Criminal District Attorney James S. Grisham Wednesday.
CANTON HERALD: May 17, 1962-Miss Martha (Marsha) Motsenbocker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Motsenbocker, was named valedictorian of the eighth grade with the highest average. Miss Betty Marlene Casey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Casey was named salutatorian with the next highest average.
We are getting older and there are more of us out here than ever before. For the last 55 years, the U.S. and Texas government agencies recognize May as Older Americans Month (OAM,) which is something I didn’t know. My kids, grandkids and great-grandkids didn’t know it either.
CANTON HERALD: May 3, 1962- The First Baptist Church of Ben Wheeler will hold a groundbreaking service. The church has been planning to build a new church building for several months. The old structure has been taken down and the church ground is about ready for the new structure to begin.