Now that Thanksgiving has been celebrated, leftovers dispatched and lots of shopping has been accomplished, we are now on the express train leading to Christmas holidays.
Storytime resumes at 10 a.m., Dec. 2, where children will be reading about the North Pole; and we all know who lives there!
Miss Rhonda has some good books picked out and fun craft projects prepared. Also, coming up on Wednesday, Dec. 14 is Dog Days at the Library. Come at 4 p.m. and read to a sweet, patient audience.
The Friends of the Library continue to accept donations for the Christmas Bow Project. These donations buy new books for the Children's Section of the library.
At 10 a.m., Dec. 12, the FOL will have the annual Volunteer Brunch in the Buchanan Room of the library. This is a time to show appreciation for those who help in all ways to keep the library a pleasant and rewarding place to visit
Please be aware of some schedule changes during December.